Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Ass Persian Princess Earrings! ShabbyMail!!

Along with Loving getting 'ish in the Mail, I hella love getting jewelry in the mail. Especially jewelry made by artists near and dear to my heart. Enter Shabnam Bahmanian. Shab is an amazing metalsmith who learned many of her metal techniques from the wonderful instructor Susan Wood. (May she rest in peace.) Wood's sense of craftsmanship lives on in the work of Shabnam and her many other students from California College of the Arts and Crafts. Not only is Shabnam Bahmanian earning her masters in metals in Carbondale, IL but she is also creating quite a reputation for shaking her booty country-wide. Rumors have surfaced that once "the persian princess" walks out onto the dance floor, the entire club erupts into applause. Thank God for Persians.

P.S. Happy Birthday Persian Gurl. I hope people try to surprise you all day!

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