Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Friday, March 5, 2010

Awesome!!!!!! ROCK-a-bYE-baby...

THis design is SICK. and the craftsmanship looks tight. Stop buying lame plastic sheeeit that falls apart after a years use and buy something that will last generations. I mean really...this is F'n sweet. Hit this guy up on Etsy.com. He goes by the name "TheatronItalianArt".

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Bad Ass Persian Princess Earrings! ShabbyMail!!

Along with Loving getting 'ish in the Mail, I hella love getting jewelry in the mail. Especially jewelry made by artists near and dear to my heart. Enter Shabnam Bahmanian. Shab is an amazing metalsmith who learned many of her metal techniques from the wonderful instructor Susan Wood. (May she rest in peace.) Wood's sense of craftsmanship lives on in the work of Shabnam and her many other students from California College of the Arts and Crafts. Not only is Shabnam Bahmanian earning her masters in metals in Carbondale, IL but she is also creating quite a reputation for shaking her booty country-wide. Rumors have surfaced that once "the persian princess" walks out onto the dance floor, the entire club erupts into applause. Thank God for Persians.

P.S. Happy Birthday Persian Gurl. I hope people try to surprise you all day!

Tuesday, March 2, 2010


I kind of want an iPad just so I can put it in this:



This is dedicated to the au courant et chaffin nail salon party I will unfortunately miss. My new fave nail artist! German Jeweler, Lisa Juen, makes dope jewelry using lights, light switches, and clip on nails. She is showing at Schmuck in Munich this month! Have fun ladies w/o me. :(

Friday, February 26, 2010

My Studio Desk

Ha this is the current-N- forever-state of my studio. WHAT? It's the creative process people and don't cha forget it! Thought this might tickle Jen to know nothin has changed!

Happy Friday

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Ugly House Award

This is an Ugly House!
Doesn't quite chaff me but I bet it chaffs the person who owns it.
I mean WOW! Way to keep it as incongruent as possible. For this reason it deserves an award.

News Flash! Graffiti Artist on the loose!

Rumor has it that bartender and owner of the CROWBAR in Huntington, West Virginia (wherever the hell that is?) is on the lookout for an unknown graff kid, possibly a girl, who tagged his restroom last weekend. With flyer in hand, the owner has scouted out all the local hangouts, tattoo shops, etc. to find this delinquent. He described the work over the phone as a "boxy sort of skeleton head with a halo". If anyone knows who this is...please shake his/her hand and give 'em a hug from all of us here at Au Courant Et Chaffin!

Artist and Poet Boyfriend Get Together To Make a Strange Poem

Outside my window every morning, a bird chirps.
"What does the bird say?" you may ask. Well, it chirps, incessantly.
No substance, nothing of worth, only
to speak that it is awake.
Much like women shopping
in malls, desperately
searching for the one
thing that will at last show, to the world,
their worth.
Except the bird stops by noon, because it is
hungry, and then gets food,
very scared as it does.



Friday, February 19, 2010

Pre-Trend Watch

Hey You! Get rid of the lame, Trendy water bottles, keep your waste down, and be subtly unique all at the same time. Grab a glass water bottle (usually found in health food stores) and use a stopper instead of buying the throwaway plastic types. This Evian bottle came with a great lil plastic stopper. I have been using it all week and heart the 'ish out of it! Plus using glass eliminates the possibility of plastic bleeding in to the water. Who needs to spend $15.oo on a plastic water bottle with a whack design when you can pick up a glass one at the grocery store for 2 bucks and re-use it! and re-use it, and re-use it, and re-use it. Plus because of the low cost, no trauma occurs when it gets lost or broken. I don't know about you, but I am OVER plastic.
Stoked on Glass/Chaffed by Plastic

Thursday, February 18, 2010

ARA Mail

We all love gettin 'ish in the ol' mailbox. So who's up for a snail mail revolution? We all heart the handmade, so let us all hop on the hand-written/hand-mailed bandwagon. Hell, let's make a "handmade" wagon big enough for a band ourselves, give it a good push, run like the schoolyard days, and hop on our own darn selves. YEE-HAW
Here is a dope thing my homey sent my homesick ass through the mail. oooooohhh it's even handmade!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Coming soon

I love this girl and she still doesn't have a site!! I wish I had more photos to show you how amazing her work is. Here's a photo of from her show last year. More to come (and a site!)

I love the Jersey Shore

My favorite character is JWOWW (with 2 Ws!)...HEY BOO BOO

New Fav Sticker Artist! Making it FRESH in Seattle!

Seattle based graff kidd just started a year ago but has an interesting way of "getting up". Inspired by European style street graffiti rather than the word based US graff, Nas ,or lil NASTIA aka NADAS, uses a made up robot image rather than letters to show she has been somewhere. So keep on the lookout for her "drawings" on any cold rainy street.

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

“People see a political element to the work. It’s not my intention. It’s not didactic or specific. They see more than what I initially had in mind,”

Huma Bhanha's words re-iterate my thoughts exactly. Sometimes us artists are simply creating while the critics are simply thinking, which often leads to them over-thinking. So chill out artist-peeps. We don't want to start "over-thinking" like our fellow critics so often do. Leave the thinking and "over-thinking" to them and Create! Create! Create!

Check out Huma Bhanha in this article!

Monday, February 15, 2010

Best Drawing of a Hunting Bear Ever!

This Drawing is by the Bay Area Artist Blanco. Her hilarious drawings can be found in a local hipster bar bathroom near you! Keep your eyes peeled for the not-so-"blanco" walls and stalls!

Female Artists Packin The Museum With Lots and Lots


Saturday, February 13, 2010


I showed this to mom and the only part she found to be pretty hilarious was the :50 mark, which is the end of the video. You'll see why:

I love my grandma

Monday, February 8, 2010


It about time! We started a blog just like everyone else.

FIRST POST--I give you a song. I'm dedicating this to you, Tori.

I recorded this from my phone from a party I went to with Ara. The bands were ok, but I think Ara did a better job with her improvised singing.

Does it sound familiar?